6 Reasons to use HDPE Plastic Container

Written by Rika Andini

June 30, 2021

HDPE stands for high-density polyethylene and is part of the group of plastics in the polyethylene family, which includes LDPE (low density), MDPE (medium density), and every other density type in between. We know plastics are often seen as the ‘bad guys’ in packaging, but if used and recycled properly HDPE plastics can be overwhelming. What makes HDPE superior to other materials? Here are 6 reasons HDPE should be on the list of Fuel Container:

1. Light, but very strong!

The reason HDPE plastic is one of the most popular plastics used is that it is very strong compared to other plastics of the same weight. For example, an HDPE milk bottle can hold 2 gallons of milk when it only weighs 2 ounces.

2. Has many applications.

Because of its strength and flexibility, HDPE can be used in a variety of ways and for a variety of products, including:
Children’s toy
Water pipe
Drink bottle
Car Fuel Tank
Fluid Transfer System

3. Impact resistant.

HDPE is perfect for printing children’s toys, as it can withstand falls and effects without causing major damage.

4. Weather resistant.

Apart from being impact resistant, HDPE is also resistant to weather because it is impermeable to rainwater, does not rust or rust, and is resistant to biological growth which can eventually break down or break down other materials. Therefore, it has an effective material for outdoor piping for over 50 years.

5. Can be recycled.

Aside from functionality, there aren’t many features that matter more to consumers today than recycling. Fortunately, HDPE is one of the easiest plastic polymers to recycle! After recycling, HDPE plastic products can be turned into rope, trash cans, pipes, and toys. It is more cost effective to make a new product from recycled HDPE than to produce new plastic.

6. Has good temperature resistance.

Some HDPE plastics can withstand temperatures up to 120 degrees Celsius for a short time. This means that the plastic will not lose its shape or structure when exposed to high temperatures or sunlight for a long time.